Psychologia, neuropsychologia, mózg

Błędy poznawcze song

Psychologia staje się coraz bardziej popularna, a młodzi nauczyciele dbają o jej dalszą popularyzację. Oto mała powtórka z wiedzy w formie piosenki – błędy poznawcze song!

I’m biased because I knew it all along… hindsight bias… I knew it all along.
hindsight bias… I knew it all along

I’m biased because I put you in a category which yo may or may not belong…
representativeness bias don’t stereotype this song

I’m biased because of a small detail that throws off the big picture of the thing
Anchroing bias see the forest for the trees

I’m biased toward the first example that comes to my mind
availability bias to the first thing that comes to mind

Oh oh bias don’t let bias into your mind

Bias don’t try this…
it’ll influence you thinking
and memories, don’t mess with these
but you’re guilty of distorted thinking

Cognitive bias
your mind becomes blinded
decisions and problems you’ve
been forced to solve them wrongly

I’m biased because I’ll only listen to what I agree with
confirmation bias … your narrowminded if you are this

I’m biased because I take credit for success but no blame for failure
self-serving bias… my success and your failure

I’m biased when I remember things they way I would’ve expected them to be
expectancy bias false memories are shaped by these

I’m biased becase I think my opinion now was my opinion then
self-consistency bias but you felt different way back when

Oh oh bias don’t let bias into your mind… Bias don’t try this, it’ll inlfuence you thinking and memories, don’t mess with these but you’re guilty of distorted thinking. Cognitive bias your mind becomes blinded; decisions and problems you’ve been forced to solve them wrongly!

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